NOVEMBER 30, 2006



MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Bailey, Mr. Kublin, Mr. Snow, Ms. Arguimbau, Mr.Young, Mr. Cohen                                   


MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Sargent-Tracy



Katherine Roth

Lois Miller

Alice Cheyer

copy attached


Election Date: January 23, 2007


Meeting called to order at 7:05 by Chairman Mr. Bailey

Agenda for November 30, 2006 Meeting

copy attached



Mr. Kublin makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended

Seconded by Mr. Cohen 

Voted unanimously


November 9, 2006 Meeting Minutes were voted and accepted as amended by the committee

hard copy filed with CPC



Mr. Snow - spoke with town counsel regarding language use for borrowing $1.2 million dollars

     - Town Counsel informed him that it is possible to change documentation if the CPC

       chooses to borrow less money      


Mr. Bailey requested an update on administrative expenses paid to date.  Total expenditure is $732.10

copy attached  



Mr. Kublin - Went in front of the Personnel Board requesting that they upgrade the position of CPC Secretary. 

copy of Personnel Board Letter attached



Mr. Bailey distributed a copy of the MBNA Project application to committee members.

hard copy file with CPC

Mr. Bailey consulted with Town Counsel, in regards to the question of his conflict of interest in the Glendale Village/MBNA proposal

The Law Practice of Gelerman & Buschmann, P.C. responded with a letter of opinion that was forwarded to Mr. Bailey electronically.  Mr. Bailey distributed a copy of Gelerman & Buschmann’s opinion to committee members.  He also took the time to read the document.

It was found that he has No Financial Interest in the Purchase.

copy attached   




Town Administrator Benjamin Puritz submitted a request titled: Request for “placeholder” for consideration of funds, dated November 29, 2006

copy attached


Town Administrator Benjamin Puritz submitted a request title: Waiver/Extension for filing CPA Funding Applications, dated November 28, 2006.

copy attached


Mr. Bailey read the request to committee members


The Community Preservation Committee Members feel that a system needs to be in place.

Ms. Arguimbau is concerned that CPC will begin receiving Waiver/Extension Letters continually from all Departments, Committees and Organizations within the Town without a deadline date. 


Katherine Roth suggests that the committee may want to consider having a rolling application process.  If the CPC is going to have a deadline it needs to be enforced. 


Mr. Young makes a motion to approve the 4 to 6 week extension requested by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator regarding Waiver/Extension for filing CPA Funding Applications - Housing Trust

Mr. Cohen seconds the motion

All in Favor


Mr. Young makes a motion to approve the 4 to 6 week extension requested by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator regarding their request for consideration regarding a project - Recreation Department Project

seconded by Mr. Cohen

vote 5-0-1 (“abstention Ms. Arguimbau”)


Mr Bailey has a motion before the Community Preservation Committee (submitted in an email approximately a week previous) .  Mr. Bailey requesting that the CPC disbursements approved at Town Meeting should have oversight, execution, and financial control of CPC grants under the control of either the Town Administrator or his designee, or the Board of Selectmen and their designee.


Ms. Arguimbau suggested this would allow Selectmen to decide who the Conservation Commission could use for its Open Space and Recreation Plan Study.

Mr. Bailey asked if there was any discussion.


The committee went into discussion regarding Mr. Baileys Motion.


Katherine Roth will be looking into state guidelines.  She will be researching the procedures other communities are currently using to handle purchases and project.


Mr. Kublin suggested that the Community Preservation determine their procedure based on the plans that Mrs. Roth receives during her research. 


Mr. Kublin suggests tabling discussion until our December meeting

Ms. Arguimbau seconds the motion

All in Favor




Following discussion it was agreed that:


Mr Kublin would draft Housing Authority award letters.  Cc the Historical Commission 

Ms. Arguimbau would draft Open Space and Recreation Plan Award Letter

Mr. Snow will draft Playground/Drinking Fountains Award Letter



A new project application was submitted by Russell McAvoy, Eagle Scout candidate with Sharon Troop 95.  Renovation of the Historic Drake Family Cemetery. 

hard copy filed with CPC




Mr.Bailey asked committee members, to volunteer, to sit on a subcommittee.  The responsibility of the subcommittee would be to help create a plan for the Community Preservation Committee within the Town Sharon.


Volunteers: Mr. Young, Mr. Bailey and Ms. Arguimbau


It was suggested that they review CPC Plans that other communities have created.

(Although, each town varies in size and resources)


The most important question that needs to be asked is... Does the plan work?




Alice Cheyer (Sharon Resident and former CPC Secretary), is requesting that she remain on the

Community Preservation Committees email list.  She is interested in receiving information regarding scheduled meetings and monthly agenda topics.  Alice Cheyer stated that she is requesting this because she has been interested in the Community Preservation Act since it was first introduced. 

Individual Committee Members are welcome to email Alice Cheyer information, ”as other town boards also leave this up to individual members.”




Committee made a decision to wait and discuss absentee voting.  Mrs. Sargent-Tracy requested this be on the agenda and members feel that she should be at the meeting when it is discussed.


Will be added to Next Months Agenda




Mr. Bailey submitted for consideration a bylaw change.

            2/3 vote by committee for projects requiring borrowing.

            (If it goes to vote it requires 2/3 Town Meeting vote)


The committee went into discussion regarding bylaw change.  Mrs. Roth stated that she thought that the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act had stated guidelines.


Mr. Bailey requested that the committee consider adding requirement that proposals be limited to fund limits of 5 years.


moving 5 year period - five years from application date.

Project would have to be funded within 5 years


When discussion continued regarding borrowing. 

Mr. Kublin explained that financing for longer than 5 years could be negative to the Town.

            CPA Tax is a voted item - it would be discontinued at a later Town Vote

            The state of Massachusetts could reduce matching funds at anytime


Mr. Snow feels that he needs to review.  There are numerous options.

(Payments are amortized differently than home mortgages)


Mr. Bailey has a model he will discuss with Mr. Snow


It was agreed to table this discussion until the next meeting.  




Ms. Arguimbau suggested that Criteria Sheet be reviewed by all committee members prior to next meeting.  She will circulate for next meeting.



Committee Members signed and approved payment of the following voucher

            W.B. Mason                            Acct # 29001732 578000                    $179.17




Next Meeting scheduled for December 21, 2006 @ 7:00 p.m. Town Hall Lower Level Conference Room                   

Posted with Town Clerk.  Will appear on Website Calendar


Mr. Kublin makes a motion to adjourn

Ms. Arguimbau seconds the motion

All in Favor


Meeting Adjourns @ 9:40 p.m.




 Robert Young, Clerk